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As above, so below. I AM connected and one with Heaven and Earth.
Allow me to support you in getting aligned with the Divinity, the Truth, and the Love that is YOU!

Compassionate Inquiry


"Trauma is not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you." ~ Gabor Maté


I use Compassionate Inquiry to help clients explore, uncover, release, reframe, recalibrate, and heal their life. CI is like a conversation... a powerful, life-altering, life-giving healing conversation. 

It is my intent to provide compassion, love, and light to help hold and illuminate your healing journey. I have witnessed time and again that the healing power is within all of us.

I work internationally assisting souls to unlock repetitive patterns and get clear, resulting in a reawakened liveliness that reconnects clients with their truth, their authentic self, their essence, their ever-present self - the ultimate present!

Consciousness, like healing, is ever-evolving and unfolding.

Healing movements when witnessed and held by others are life-giving, liberating, and so restorative in nature.

Gabor says trauma is not so much about what happened to you, but rather what happened within you.

Healing happens when... we bring awareness to all the parts of you that hadn’t been seen or held well enough... at a time when you were so young and so vulnerable.

Meet Phyllis


I love life and I love souls. I AM a life-long learner and a life-long teacher. I AM a light worker; wherever I can spread love and light makes my heart sing! I AM a space holder for souls to awaken, align, energize, expand, and evolve.

Your soul wants to shine brightly; my work is to help you remember how! 

Soul Messages & Sacred Sharings


Allow me to unfold and share sacred pieces of my divinity with you. May it echo with the essence of your eternal soul. May it resonate and awaken the I AM connection within your heart and mind. Through love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness may we remember that we are one. We are connected and complete in ourselves and in each other. We are love, we are light, we are power. Amen. Atma Namaste.

Compassionate Inquiry & Soul Coaching & Family Constellation & Energy Healing
& Inner Dance


Self-healing and divine healing is available to us all. Having clear intentions coupled with self-compassion for all aspects of who we are is key to shifting the energies within, thereby allowing us to come home to ourself one conversation at a time. As Ram Dass said, "We are all just walking each other home."  

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